Institutions or organizations seeking to organize Continuous Professional Development (CPD) programmes must officially notify Council for authorization. The following document must accompany the request:
- Business Registration Certificates
- Company Profile
- CVs of Proposed CPD facilitators
- Source of Funding
Accredited institutions after securing authorization will be required to submit the programme they intend to organize to the Council for CPD programme accreditation. The Programme should be structured according to the CPD programme guideline.
Accredited Institution/organization that intend to organize online CPD programmes must also satisfy the CPD online programme guideline.
Accredited Institutions/Organizations will be notified of the approval of their programmes and the number of points awarded. Kindly check the fee schedule for the CPD accreditation.
CPD Accredited Institutions and Programme
Allied Health Professionals are encouraged to ensure that the programmes they intend to attend are duly accredited by the Council.
CPD Recognition
Allied Health Professionals who hold evidence of the following may present it to the Council for recognition and award of points.
- Verifiable Foreign CPD certificates/Online (programmes)
- Professional logbook
- Authoring and Publication
- Masters/Ph.D./Fellowship
Professionals with the above issues are required to officially notify the Registrar of the Council in writing and attach photocopies of certificates and proof of completion of programme for review.
The CPD requirement for renewal of PIN may be waived on the following grounds:
- On medical grounds
- Professionals under training
- Professionals outside the Country where CPD is not available
Professionals in this category are to officially request the waiver and attach the necessary documentation for review.
They will however be required to pay for the renewal of their PINs.
CPD Exemptions
Allied Health Professionals may be exempted from the renewal of PIN for not less than twelve months and not more than three years. Exemptions may be given for the following cases:
- Professionals under academic training outside the Country
- On medical grounds
Professionals in this category are to officially request for the exemption and attach the following documentation:
- Photocopies of admission letter
- Photocopies of passport
Successful applicants are not required to pay for the renewal of their PINS for the period of the exemption. It should be noted that the exemption should be sought before the commencement of the programme. Application for exemption for completed programmes will not be considered.